A Girl Walks Into a Book


Miranda K. Pennington

Miranda K. Pennington is a life-long Bronte enthusiast whose work has appeared on The Toast, The American Scholar online, The Ploughshares blog, and The Catapult Podcast. She is currently a Managing/Production Editor at Neuwirth & Associates, a publishing services company in Chelsea. A graduate of Ithaca College with a degree in music and writing, she received her MFA in creative nonfiction from Columbia University, where she has taught University Writing and is a Writing Center consultant. She has also taught academic writing at Touro College, SUNY Empire State, and the LEDA institute; she has led creative writing workshops for the AmpLit festival and Uptown Stories, a Washington Heights-based nonprofit. A Girl Walks Into a Book is her first book. She lives in Inwood with her husband and their dog, Roxy.

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