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A Song Full of Sky


Ruth Doyle

Ruth Doyle (Author)

Ruth Doyle is a children's author who lives on a farm in Kent with a flock of forty sheep, eight chickens, three dogs, two rescued miniature horses, six guinea pigs, two rabbits, one husband and two children. Her love of nature inspires all of her stories, and her animals even accompany her on animal-writing workshops at local schools.

Britta Teckentrup (Illustrator)

Britta Teckentrup is an illustrator, fine artist and writer. She was born in Hamburg, Germany, and went on to study at St. Martin's College and the Royal College of Art in London. Britta has created over 40 books, translated in 20 languages worldwide, and her artwork has been shown at exhibitions all over the world. She lives and works in Berlin with her artist husband and their son.

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