Big Kids


K. L. Going

K.L. Going is the author of many critically acclaimed novels, including The Liberation of Gabriel King and the Printz Honor-winning Fat Kid Rules the World, as well as the picture books Bumpety, Dunkety, Thumpety-Thump! and This Is the Planet Where I Live. She lives with her family in Glen Spey, New York. She invites you to visit her at

Reggie Brown is a New York Times bestselling and award-winning illustrator of many children's books, including the New York Times bestselling Who Are Your People? by Bakari Sellers, Santa in the City by Tiffany D. Jackson, Tacko Fall: To New Heights by Tacko Fall and Justin Haynes, and the Magnificent Makers series by Theanne Griffith. Reggie lives with his wife, Demi, in San Diego, California. He invites you to visit him at


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