The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
A larger-than-life fighter pilot & a genius of aviation, engineering & military strategy. He dared to challenge the intractable military bureacracy & its outmoded practices. The determination developed in his youth carried him on to renown for his skill as a fighter pilot & for his passion as an instructor, his legendary appetite & lack of respect for his superiors. But this was just the start as he went on to transform the way military planes were designed, fighting the air force's entrenched ideas every step of the way & his breakthrough designs were crucial to the creation of the F-15 & 16. He dedicated years to an innovative theory of conflict that eventually made him the most influential military theoretician since Sun Tzu. A magnet for bright young men, dissatisfied with the impractically old-fashioned methods of the military & his circle of 'acolytes' extended his influence through their headline-grabbing Reform Movement. By the time of Boyd's death his name had reached the furthest corners of the military establishment. Now Coram paints a colourful portrait of the man who locked horns with the most conventional of bureacracies - and won.
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- ISBN: 9780316881463
- Author: Robert Coram
- Pub date: 03.04.03
- RRP: $67.00
- Format: Hardback