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Sophie Masson

Sophie Masson (Author)

Sophie Masson was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, to French parents. She has spent most of her life going back and forth between Australia and France. Sophie writes for adults, teenagers and children, she is published in Australia, the US and Italy as well as the UK. Winner of the Australian Young Adult Aurealis Science Fiction and Fantasy Award and shortlisted for many others, she has also written for stage, radio and newspapers, magazines and literary journals. Sophie is still fluently bilingual and frequently returns to France to visit family. She lives in New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and has three grown-up children. Sophie is the Australian correspondent for ACHUKA website: www.achuka.co.uk

Laura Wood (Illustrator)

Laura Wood is an independent illustrator currently living in the wonderful city of Bristol, UK. Her picture book THE COW TRIPPED OVER THE MOON was a CBCA Honour Book and the 2017 National Simultaneous Storytime book. Laura's work can be found in picture books, educational publications, digital apps as well as editorial publications. By day, she spends her time in her studio bringing stories to life. By night, she likes to put on her dancing shoes and swing dance under the stars.

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