Dog Parenting


Elizabeth Mullen, Tara Murtagh, Amy Pike

Elizabeth Mullen (Author)

Elizabeth Mullen parents four colourful canines and primarily coaches dog parents in Washington, D.C., although her on-site tutoring reaches as far as Warsaw, Poland. She loves tending to her garden and wild bird friends. During downtime from her firm, Dog Latin, Elizabeth jaunts off to nearby beaches and the rolling hills of West Virginia.

Tara Murtagh (Author)

Tara Murtagh's love for animals drives her work as a certified dog trainer and behaviour consultant. With years of experience in shelters and rescues, she helps dogs of all kinds overcome behaviour challenges. Now based in the Washington, D.C. area, Tara continues her work with local rescues and supports pet parents. At home, she enjoys time with her husband and their three rescue pitbulls, Junebug, Boo and Squeak.

Amy Pike (Author)

Dr. Amy Pike's lifelong love of animals led her to become a veterinarian and get board certified in behaviour medicine. Dr. Pike speaks all over the world about veterinary behaviour medicine and has been published in numerous veterinary journals and clinical textbooks. In addition, she mentors the next generation of behaviour residents in her private practice and is a clinical instructor for the veterinary school at Virginia Tech.

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