Don't Call Us Carnies


Norma Brophy, Wendy Stuart

Norma Brophy was born on the back of a horse-drawn wagon in 1936. She spent her youth travelling Australia with her hardworking showmen family, learning carpentry, signwriting, costume design and spruiking, with a short foray as a stunt motorbike rider. Later, with her husband Mick and five children, Norma worked all aspects of show business and circus including as a spruiker, snake handler, 'psychic medium' and circus owner. Norma hung up her ringmaster's hat after managing her children's world-record-breaking acrobatic act, The Flying Angels. Today Norma's paintings of show history on tent canvas are considered valuable records of Australian history, She lives in Brisbane.

Wendy Stuart is a freelance editor and wordsmith based in Queensland. She enjoyed working collaboratively with 'Aunty'

Norma over several years in developing Don't Call Us Carnies. Since founding Wendy & Words in 2010, Wendy has edited

over 60 non-fiction books. She is a Professional Member of the Institute of Professional Editors.

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