Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants Vol.6
This publication caters for the professional horticulturist and amateur gardening enthusiast, and is written in an easy to understand style. Scientific terms, where used, have been explained or included in the comprehensive glossary. The text is complemented by many delicately executed line drawings by Trevor Blake and a wonderful selection of colour photographs. This is the fourth of a multi-volume set in which the authors have drawn on their extensive experience of years devoted to the culture of Australian plants.
Volume Six includes genera beginning with the letteres K to M and deals with over 1200 species from 250 genera. Some of the popular and important genera included are: LASTREOPSIS, LECHENAULTIA, LEPTOSPERMUM, LEUCOPOGON, LIVISTONA, LOMANDRA, LYCOPODIUM, MACADAMIA, MACROZAMIA, MELALEUCA, MICROMYRTUS, MIRBELIA and MYOPORUM.Buy now!
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- ISBN: 9780850915891
- Author: Roger Elliot
- Pub date: 01.12.93
- RRP: $179.00
- Format: Hardback