Evil Beetle Versus Science: Building the Secret Headquarters


Paul Mason

Paul Mason (Author)

Paul's books cover a wide range of subjects, from whether the Romans ate crisps to how to build the world's best skatepark, but he writes mostly about sport. Whether you are interested in swimming, cycling, snowboarding, surfing or another sport, Paul has probably written something that will inspire you to get out and give it a try. Paul writes in a shack by the beach, which he shares with his one-eyed surf dog, Daisy.

Scott Garrett (Illustrator)

Scott Garrett, freelance illustrator living in the UK, has worked for clients nationally and internationally, including Vodafone, Nestle, VW, GQ, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Business Week, Klutz Books, Faber & Faber and Random House.

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