

Corinne Low

Corinne Low is an Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton School, where she teaches Economics of Diversity and Discrimination, one of Wharton's highest rated classes. Her research on the economics of gender has been published in top journals such as the American Economic Review, Nature, and Harvard Business Review and featured in popular media including Forbes, Vanity Fair, The LA Times, and NPR. She has spoken at Oxford, the London School of Economics and Stanford, and advised firms like Uber, Google, and Amazon. She is also the co-creator of the Incentivized Resume Rating method for measuring hiring discrimination.

She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University, her B.S. in Economics and Public Policy from Duke University, and formerly worked for McKinsey and Company. She lives in West Philadelphia with her son, au pair, and cat.

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