Finding Home


Alford Dalrymple Gardner, Howard Gardner

Alford Dalrymple Gardner (Author)

Born in 1926 in Kingston, Jamaica, Alford Gardner first came to England in 1944 to support the war effort, serving in the RAF. After a brief stay back in Jamaica, he decided to return to England to help to rebuild the country. He boarded the HMT Empire Windrush intending to build a life in the country he once called home. Despite a less than accommodating welcome back, he persisted and succeeded in forging a better life for his family.

In his later years, Alford spent all his leisure time at the bingo hall. When not playing bingo, he would watch sports or spend time with his family. A much fuller sense of Alford's life is conveyed in his autobiography: Finding Home.

Alford passed away in 2024 at the age of 98.

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