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James Alan Gardner

James Alan Gardner (1955- )

James Alan Gardner is a Canadian science fiction author, raised in Simcoe and Bradford, Ontario. He earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo. He began publishing work of genre interest with "The Phantom of the Operator" for The University of Waterloo Courier in 1984 and has also published SF short stories in a range of periodicals, including The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Amazing Stories. His short story "The Children of Creche" was awarded the Grand Prize in the Writers of the Future contest in 1989. Another story, "Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream", won a Prix Aurora Award and was nominated for both the Nebula and Hugo Awards. Much of Gardner's career has been spent expanding the League of Peoples sequence, which begins with his first novel, Expendable (1997).

For more information see http://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/gardner_james_alan

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