Grief is a Sneaky Bitch


Lisa Keefauver

Lisa Keefauver is an in-demand grief activist, speaker and author. She began her career as a social worker and narrative therapist in 2004. She expanded her activism in a variety of roles: clinical director, non-profit co-founder, clinical supervisor, facilitator of personal and professional growth and healing, and mentor. Lisa's wisdom and insights on grief are also embodied from her personal losses, including the death of her husband Eric in 2011.

Lisa's grief advocacy inspired her to found Reimagining Grief, with a mission to illuminate and dismantle the limited and misleading collective story of grief that causes so much unnecessary suffering. It also includes the intimate work of holding space and bearing witness for people as they navigate their grief journey.

Best known for her interview skills as host of the top-rated podcast, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch, she has spent much of her time sharing her warmth, wisdom, humour and compassion facilitating conversations as a moderator on stages, as an organizational consultant to facilitate grief-smart companies, leading workshops and retreats, and as an individual grief guide. Lisa's unique approach to shifting our grief culture led to an invitation to teach the Loss and Grief course at the University of Texas at Austin.

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