Let's Find Pumpkins!


Evie Day

Evie Day (Author)

Evie Day is a children's author living in London. Her writing is inspired by the excitement of the holidays: from Easter to Halloween to Christmas, Evie loves the joy and fun of celebrating these special days with friends and family, and brings the holiday magic to life with her stories!

Chris Jevons (Illustrator)

Chris Jevons is a children's book illustrator with a passion for character design and storytelling. He began his career studying art and design at college and 3d animation at university. Chris now scribbles picture books and fiction titles for a living and has illustrated books for fantastic authors such as Peter Bently, Maz Evans, Lucy Rowland and Kes Gray. Chris's most recent books include: Goldilocks in Space, My Daddy is Hilarious, the 101 Bums series, Superpoop, Onesie Party and The Exploding Life of Scarlett Fife.

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