No Bear Left Behind


Jill Robinson

Jill Robinson MBE, h.c., Hon LLD, Founder and CEO of Animals Asia, is a leading public figure in the world of animal welfare and conservation. A pioneering advocate for animal rights in Asia since 1985, Jill is widely recognized as the world's leading expert on the cruel bear bile industry, having campaigned against it since 1993. She is credited with bringing about the total ban on bear bile extraction in Vietnam, and continues to engage with the Chinese government, working towards the goal of ending the practice in China.

Today, Animals Asia has rescued over 680 bears, caring for them at its award-winning bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam. Jill continues to serve as CEO of the organization she founded in Hong Kong, which has grown into a respected international NGO with over 300 staff and offices in Australia, China, Germany, the UK, US and Vietnam.

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