Oakley the Squirrel: Camping 1, 2, 3!
Board book
A Nutty Numbers Book
Real squirrels, real photos! Learn your numbers with Oakley the Squirrel in this charming counting book featuring Oakley and friends on a camping trip.
Oakley the Squirrel: Camping 1, 2, 3! is a counting book like no other. Oakley helps readers learn to count as he experiences the fun of a camping trip. Every page features photos of real squirrels! Photographer Nancy Rose lures squirrels into her photo frame using strategically placed peanuts, so they appear in squirrel-sized sets that replicate human life, complete with tents, s'mores, campfires, and more. It's irresistible!Buy now!
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- ISBN: 9781523518319
- Author: Nancy Rose
- Pub date: 30.08.23
- RRP: $19.99
- Format: Board book