PA Expose


Kristal Baird

I write sexy romance. I laugh a lot. Sometimes I do both at the same time!

I've had an eclectic mix of jobs which include working for a vet and an orthopaedic surgeon and I never got mixed up once! (but I did want to pat cute patients sometimes...). I've driven a four ton truck for a touring theatre company and worked as an au pair for a French alpine ski-ing instructor... (I'm making that one a new novel so look out for it). I taught English to adults in Italy (and only got that job because I was the only applicant who also spoke French, as the French School Principle spoke no English - and you think you're confused!)

I've lived in several different countries as far apart as Australia and Scotland and tend to make myself right at home. I even adopt the local slang and have kept twinges of several accents to this day.

I get most of my exercise letting dogs out and cats in and catering to their every whim. I'm a soft touch, like that. One day I'm going to walk El Camino de Santiago in one go. And get on the New York Times Best Seller List - wonder which I'll do first? @kristalbaird

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