Reading Champion: Blue Reading Band 4


Damian Harvey, Sue Graves, Jackie Walter, Barrie Wade, Penny Dolan, Jill Atkins, Sarah Snashall, Katie Woolley

Damian Harvey (Author)

Damian Harvey lives in North Wales with his lovely wife, Vicky. He has three wonderful daughters, one brilliant boy and a cat called Polly. He has written more than 130 books for primary school aged children and is busy writing more. When he isn't writing, Damian loves visiting schools, libraries, bookshops, festivals and anywhere that will have him, where he shares stories, talks about writing and gets people excited about books and reading. You can find out more about Damian by visiting and follow him on Twitter @damianjharvey

Sue Graves (Author)

Sue Graves has been a freelance children's author for more than 17 years. She has written over two hundred books for children from pre-school up to 15+ years. She writes fiction and non-fiction, plays and poetry across the age ranges.

Sue loves reading all sorts of books and is at her happiest when she has a book in her hand. She also loves painting in watercolours, playing tennis and badminton and going for long walks in the country with her husband and children.

Jackie Walter (Author)

Jackie Walter has written and edited many books for children. She never gets tired of listening to and telling a good story. Jackie lives in Cornwall with her husband and young daughters.

Barrie Wade (Author)

Barrie has had a long and successful career in education, first as an English teacher, then as Professor of Education in English at the University of Birmingham, where he is now Emeritus Professor. He is also a published author of over 150 books and a tireless fundraiser and supporter of the charity Mencap and governor of the Mencap College in the UK.

Barrie encourages young writers around the country in his numerous author visits and writing workshops. He has published a huge variety of poems, stories and non-fiction.

Penny Dolan (Author)

Penny Dolan is a children's writer and storyteller living in North Yorkshire. She is a popular speaker with both infant and junior children, and has visited many School Book Weeks and literacy events across the UK, with her enjoyable 'Author Talks' and lively story-telling sessions. She has also spoken and performed in libraries, bookshops, museums, art galleries, historic sites and outdoor locations, and has appeared on the children's programme of several literature festivals. She has a wide interest in children's books and has been Chair of the Federation of Children's Book Groups. Penny has a wide experience of schools. She was a primary advisory teacher for English and Drama but has been a freelance language arts worker for several years. She has also taught on residential writing courses for children, tutored both storytell

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