

Stanton Peele, Ilse Thompson

Stanton Peele, Ph.D., JD, has been a cutting-edge figure in the addiction field for four decades. Since publishing Love and Addiction in 1975, Stanton has written 12 books (including The Meaning of Addiction, Diseasing of America, The Truth About Addiction and Recovery, 7 Tools to Beat Addiction, and Addiction-Proof Your Child) and 250 professional articles, won numerous awards (including from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs and the Drug Policy Alliance), and created the Life Process Program for addiction treatment, which continues to be utilized worldwide. He lives in Lifeprocessprogram.comIlse Thompson, co-founder of the blog Stinkin-Thinkin: Muckraking the 12 Step Treatment Industry, is a writer and editor living in Portland,

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