Rise and Shine


Kate Oliver, Toby Oliver

Kate Oliver and Toby Oliver are an award-winning brother and sister writing-duo who grew up in London. As kids they used to start their days squabbling and fighting, but as adults they both discovered the transformative power of a positive morning routine.

Kate is a chartered psychologist and Toby is a registered therapist. Between them they have over fifty years' professional experience and have worked with thousands of people, helping them to navigate life's ups and downs and learn to thrive in their lives and work.

Kate and Toby know that the way you begin your day matters - it sets the tone for the rest of your day, shaping your mood, focus, productivity and wellbeing.

In Rise and Shine, they share their innovative, flexible and simple way of re-claiming mornings to transform your life - the S.H.I.N.E. method.

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