Small Miracles


Rachel Stanfield-Porter

Rachel Stanfield-Porter has known both the grief and the joy of starting a family she has had four children. Sadly though, she lost her first two boys to still birth and miscarriage. Struck by the fragility of life, and galvanised by her previous tragedies and the lack of support available, she founded the Bonnie Babes Foundation. Her mission was to help other families struggling with the emotional pain she and her husband had experienced and to reduce the number of babies that die each year. Fifteen years later the organisation has been overwhelmingly successful in reaching out to the 50,000 Australian families each year who experience the traumatic loss of a baby and providing vital equipment to hospitals to help save the lives of newborns. The Bonnie Babes Foundation is now Australia's leading grief counselling service that Australian women and families turn to after the loss of a baby.

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