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Carla Stewart

Carla Stewart's writing reflects her passion for times gone by. She launched her writing career in 2002 when she earned the coveted honour of being invited to attend Guidepost's Writers Workshop in Rye, New York. Since then, her articles have appeared in Guideposts, Angels on Earth and several regional magazines and anthologies. Carla received two American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Genesis awards for unpublished authors. The novel that won in 2007 went on to become her first published novel - Chasing Lilacs which has garnered many rave reviews including a Starred Review from Publishers Weekly and 4 stars from Romantic Times Reviews. Carla graduated from the University of Oklahoma and worked as a registered nurse for a number of years. She and her engineer husband are the parents of four married sons and relish the adventures of their six grandchildren. She enjoys a good cup of coffee, great books and weekend getaways with her husband.

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