The Forever Summer


Suzanne Macpherson

Five interesting things about Suzanne Macpherson:

1. When I was ten I wanted to be a girl detective when I grew up, like Emma Peel in the Avengers. I went sneaking around in my black stretch pants and black turtleneck in the dark, scaring my parents and the chickens quite often.

2. I think I had a past life in England in the twenties and thirties.

3. I love old movies so much I consider Myrna Loy and Cary Grant my best pals. New movies like Cold Comfort Farm will do in a pinch.

4. I have a china collection that has gotten completely out of hand. I ve collected ever since I was sixteen and went nutty over Booth's Real Old Willow. But my girlfriend and I always say 'she who dies with the most china wins' so I guess I'm not done yet, having recently fallen in love with Royal Doulton Provence Noir, and besides, she has more than I do, so off to the shops we go!

5. I have three sons and a daughter and her first word was 'shopping'.

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