

James Mumford

James Mumford is a writer and recovering academic. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the University of Virginia (UVa)'s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and was previously awarded a Visiting Fellow at the McDonald Centre in Christ Church, Oxford to begin work on this book-project. Before that James was a lecturer at UVa's philosophy department where he taught ethics.

James received a broad education. He received a double first in English Literature as an undergraduate at Oxford; was a viva candidate at All Souls, Oxford and was awarded one of two annual Henry Fellowship to study political and moral philosophy at Yale; returned to Oxford for his MPhil/MA and DPhil/PhD in theological ethics, with his thesis deemed sufficiently outstanding to be immediately published by Oxford University Press as Ethics at the Beginning of Life: A Phenomenological Critique. In 2020 Bloomsbury published Vexed: Ethics Beyond Political Tribalism, which was widely and enthusiastically reviewed in the UK.

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