Werelock and Scratch: Mystery Most Puzzling


K.R. Thompson

Long ago in the late 1900s, six-year-old K.R. decided that she was destined to do two things: write children's books; and set up a detective agency to solve quirky mysteries. And so began a decades-long adventure, via a much-loved job as a library assistant, a much-less-loved job stuffing envelopes, and a career as a lawyer... until finally, K. R.'s passion for children's books was reignited by the birth of her children. Now, with the creation of the Werelock and Scratch series, K. R. can finally get to work solving the quirkiest of puzzling mysteries in a world completely of her own making.

K.R. Thompson was born in Essex, UK, grew up in South East London and now lives by the sea in West Sussex with her husband, two children, a cheeky cat and the occasional visiting hedgehog. When she isn't dreaming up stories and mysteries, K.R. can most often be found heading out for walks with a coffee in one hand, a reading book in the other, and a pocketful of snacks to nibble along the way.

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