Wild Earth Jigsaw


Helen Scales

Helen Scales (Author)

Dr Helen Scales is a marine biologist, writer and broadcaster. Her ocean-based writing appears in National Geographic, The Guardian, New Scientist and others. Helen appears regularly on BBC radio; she teaches at the University of Cambridge, advises the ocean conservation charity Sea Changers and is a storytelling ambassador at the Save Our Seas Foundation. She divides her time between Cambridge, UK, and the Atlantic coast of France. Helen is the author of Around the Ocean in 80 Fish.


Good Wives and Warriors (Illustrator)

Becky Bolton and Louise Chappell have been working collaboratively as Good Wives and Warriors since 2007, soon after graduating from the Painting Department at The Glasgow School of Art. They divide their time between designing large-scale installations for fine art settings and undertaking design commissions for companies in the UK and abroad. They are currently based in London.

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