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Kate Freeman
Workman Publishing
Samuel Johnson
Thomas Sowell
Patricia Scanlan, Aidan Storey, Dr Mary Helen Hensley, Pamela Young
Clare Foster, Sabina Ruber
Taran Matharu
Brandon Sanderson
Jane Delury
Enid Blyton
Alice Walker
Samantha King
M.C. Beaton
Robert Muchamore
Neale Donald Walsch
Neil Gaiman
Paul Duncan, John Julius Norwich, No Author Listed
Joe Plumeri
Robert L. Bloch
Liz Earle
Adrian Besley
Liz Climo
Max Morris
George Pelecanos
Nicky Pellegrino
Keith Lovegrove
Robert Hutchinson
Mark Gimenez
Heather Graves
Terry and Linda Jamison
George Goodwin
Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Jack Vance
E M Forster
Ken McCoy
Stephen King
A.C. Grayling
Martin Dorey, Sarah Randell
Jennifer A. Mather, Roland C. Anderson, James B. Wood
Editors of Penthouse
Ann Rule
R.T. Kendall, R T Kendall Ministries Inc.
Richard Bode
Alan Dershowitz
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