Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi
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Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi is a brilliant fully illustrated cookbook with a glossary of te reo Māori words into English.
Aimed at tamariki taking their first steps at independent cooking and a perfect learning tool for te reo Māori language learners.
A must-have for everybody in Aotearoa.
I te āhua o ngā pikitia, me te takoto o te hātepe tohutohu, ka māmā noa tō ako ki te tunu i ēnei kai e hāngai pū ana ki Aotearoa.
Kia tū koe hei toa ki te tao panikeke, hei toki ki te tunu pōtaka tiakarete, hei rehe rānei ki te mahi pihapiha.
Mai i te kai ata, ki te purini, tae ana ki ngā kai me ngā timotimo katoa i waenganui, ka noho ko tēnei kohinga, kei koni atu i te 90 ōna tohutao, hei kaiwhakatō i te ngākaunui mauroa o te tangata ki te tunu me te tao kai.
Tirohia ngā tohutao hou me te rārangi kupu e reorua ana.
With an illustrated, step-by-step layout, you'll find it super easy to learn to cook these classic New Zealand recipes.
Become a champion-pikelet-maker, an expert-afghan-baker or an award-winning-pizza-creator.
From breakfast through to dessert and all the meals and snacks in between, this collection of over 90 recipes will be the beginning of a life-long love of baking and cooking.
Check out the new recipes and bilingual glossary.
Coming soon, you can pre-order your copy from Whitcoulls, Paper Plus, Mighty Ape, or your local bookstore. Find your closet one.
Stella Tests out a New Recipe from Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi | What Now

Watch as What Now's Stella and some very special guests test out a new recipe from Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi!
Lessons in Kai | Seven Sharp
How's this for a recipe. Take one Edmonds Cookbook, add in a generous helping of Te Reo and sprinkle some aroha on the top. It's the Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi!
Watch as te reo champion and Edmonds Cooking ambassador Stacey Morrison speaks to Hilary Barry and Jeremy Wells on Seven Sharp.
Classic children's cook book now in te reo Māori | RNZ Saturday Morning
Listen as te reo champion and Edmonds Cooking ambassador Stacey Morrison speaks to Jesse Mulligan RNZ Afternoons about how EDMONDS TAKU PUKA TOHUTAO TUATAHI helps to 'normalise' the language.
Different iterations and editions of the Edmonds Cookery Book have helped New Zealanders navigate the kitchen for more than 110 years. Now, a new version of Edmonds My First Cookbook is aiming at helping young cooks boost their te reo Māori skills at the same time.
Tohutohu tao kai (Recipe): He pihikete whetū (Star biscuits) | This NZ Life
Iconic Kiwi brand Edmonds is set to launch its first te reo Māori cookbook, Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi, based on the much-loved and bestselling Edmonds My First Cookbook.
Edmonds Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi makes learning te reo Māori fun and easy, as whānau cook and bake together. Edmonds has shared with thisnzlife.co.nz one of the seven new recipes found in the cookbook: Pihikete Whetū (Star Biscuits), created by cook Kirsten Holtz.
Iconic Edmonds cookbook translated into Māori | Te Karare
The Edmonds brand has been a kitchen staple in homes across the country for well over a century. Now, a version of the children's My First Cookbook is set to be available in te reo Māori.
The fully illustrated Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi cookbook is aimed at tamariki, but is being touted as a learning tool for Māori language learners.
Speaking to Te Karere, the book’s translator Dr Jen Martin said it can support parents to use te reo at home.
Taku Puka Tohu Tao Tuatahi: Dr Jennifer Martin | Waatea News
Mō te āpōpō te take.
Koia te kōrero a te kaiwhakamāori i te pukapuka Tohu Tao Tuatahi a Edmonds i whakarewahia inātata nei.
Hei tā Tākuta Jennifer Martin, o Te Rarawa, nā tōna whakaaro nui ki āna tini irāmutu i tino whakaae ia kia whakamāorihia te pukapuka rongonui nei.
He tauira o te kura kaupapa Māori, hei tā Tākuta Jennifer, he mea tuhi ia nā te korenga o ngā rauemi Māori pēnei i a ia i te kura.
Anei ngā whakamārama a Takuta Jennifer Martin.
“Ahau ake, i tupu i te kura kaupapa Māori, nō reira ko au tētahi i wamaria ki tō tātou reo nōku e tamariki ana, nā, taka mai ki ēnei rā nei ko aku irāmutu ēnā e takahi ana i te ara o te reo Māori i te kura, nā reira ko tō rātou aunty tēnei e ngana ana ki te kimi huarahi ki te tautoko i tērā haerenga ā rātou.”
Owned by Goodman Fielder, Edmonds (author) is one of New Zealand’s most iconic and loved brands, one that is synonymous with Kiwi home cooking and baking. For over 140 years, Edmonds has been trusted by generations of New Zealand bakers and cooks to deliver trusted, loved recipes and quality products and ingredients. Today the Edmonds product range has grown to include more than 60 products with a range of Cookbooks, Baking Ingredients, Flour, Raising Agents, Yeasts, Baking Mixes, Bread Mixes, Cake Mixes and Pancake Mixes.
Kotahi Rau Pukapuka (translation team)
'Growing a love for the language through a hundred books.'
Kotahi Rau Pukapuka Trust was launched with the audacious goal of producing 100 books in te reo Māori. They work with language experts and publishing houses to increase the number of quality reo Māori books available in print, eBooks and audiobooks, which suit every type of Māori language enthusiast. It is hoped, that this title will be a valuable resource for bringing whanau together within homes, marae, schools and kitchens throughout the country. Find out more at www.kotahiraupukapuka.org.nz
Dr Jen Martin (translator) finds happiness in the company of her whanau and friends, particularly her nieces and nephews. She returns to her tribal home of Mitimiti in the far north for spiritual sustenance. Of Te Rarawa descent, her marae is Matihetihe. Jen is a graduate of Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, The Institute of Excellence in the Māori Language. Te reo Māori and matauranga Māori have been the focus of all her University studies and the contract work she undertakes professionally. Since Jen and her older sister Steph were children, cooking has brought generations of her whanau together. Jen's nieces and nephews particularly enjoy baking. The translations in this book are intended to support children everywhere to speak te reo Māori while they are cooking. The recipes will unite the generations in their enjoyment of family-based activities.